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SG Cares Giving Week 2022

Speech by Mr Edwin Tong, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth & Second Minister for Law at the SG Cares Giving Week and Forward Singapore Unite Roadshow Launch on 1 December 2022

Mr Lee Woon Chiang,

Founder of Uncle Ringo

Ms Anita Fam,

President of National Council of Social Service

Mr Tony Soh,

Chief Executive Officer of National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre

Ladies and Gentlemen

1.        Good afternoon to all of you.

2.        It is a joyous occasion to be here today, as we soak in the festivities and enjoy the year-end season.

3.        Today, we kickstart this year’s SG Cares Giving Week.

4.        SG Cares Giving Week is about bringing different people together; individuals, businesses, non-profit organisations and different parts of the community, to step forward and care for one another. Most importantly, it is to care for people who are less abled in our society.

5.        We are fortunate to partner Uncle Ringo Pte Ltd to kick off this year’s SG Cares Giving Week at The Great Bay Fiesta.

6.        I thank Mr Lee Woon Chiang, the founder of Uncle Ringo, and his team for putting together this extravaganza, benefitting at least 1,500 children and their families today.

7.        We saw the sheer joy from the children and families as we walked through the carnival earlier.

8.        This year, SG Cares also celebrates its fifth anniversary. Five years may not seem like a long time, but this movement has come quite far.

9.        Many beneficiaries have been impacted through the SG Cares movement. As more people give, this benefits not just the receiver but also the giver.

10.    That is the true value of this SG Cares movement, by bringing people together and making a collective impact in our society.

11.    This also changes mindsets of how individuals can give, not just once-off but a sustained  lifetime of giving.

12.    I hope the work done by SG Cares will continue grow.

13.    Today, we will also be launching our Forward Singapore Unite pillar roadshows.

14.    The Unite pillar is one of the six Forward Singapore pillars, and one that I am co-leading. It is at the heart of what the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth does. We are here to build a confident, cohesive and caring society, and grow a sense camaraderie as we move our country to the next bound.

15.    The roadshow is designed to spark conversations and engagements, and for individuals to think about the role that we play in building a better society.

16.    Forward Singapore is not about what the Government can do. It is what the Government can do, in partnership and consultation with our people.

17.    Therefore, I think the Unite pillar will resonate the most with all of us present here today.

18.    I look forward to seeing you at the roadshow. Feel free to raise discussion points and spark conversations that can carry Singapore Forward.

19.    I wish all of you a good festive season ahead.

20.    Thank you.


Last updated on 02 December 2022